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I’m Karen Kennaby – Passionate Journey Creator!

I create journeys. Some are internal and some external – all are exquisite and unique. Come and explore with me…
For a very long time (21 years!) I had an event management company, a successful company – 7 figures, a team of 24 at peak – and my background is hotel management. So I know a thing or two about events and I absolutely love hospitality, it brings me tremendous joy and since joy and delight are 2 of my core values that’s really important. I’ve also been a life coach for two decades. It means that everything that I create in Unique & Exquisite Events is all about joy and delight and allowing everybody to feel and experience that. I also love food (I initially trained as a chef!) and travel and have done forever so this pulls those together as well so that I can share different experiences, different places that you might not have heard about, different restaurants, different food and different people. So there’s a lot of excitement and surprise around it too!
Life can be rather humdrum at times, rather ordinary, rather uninspiring, rather challenging. Work, relationships, family, possibly being an expat, balancing, juggling, health, loneliness…any or all of this can take its toll, it certainly has on me at times along the way. Sometimes life changes can make us feel very alone. Time for exploration – internal and perhaps external too. What matters NOW? Who are you NOW? What do you want from life NOW? (did I mention I’ve been a life coach for well over a decade?)
Time for some inspiration… a breathe of fresh air… a new perspective… Time to come (a)way beyond imagination!

Time for some inspiration, some delight, some joy, some adventure & …
who knows maybe time to make some lifelong new friends.
You know the old adage “a change is as good as a rest”?
– well that really comes into play here!

What do I do?
What is Unique & Exquisite Events?
I was determined to capture the best of everything I’ve done & also ensure I didn’t “flush the baby out with the bath water” i.e. I didn’t just want it to all be new for the sake of new.
Currently there are 3 categories with something to suit everyone!
- Short breaks of around 3 nights called A Break From The Norm
- Longer trips, more exotic and further away, called A Trip Of A Lifetime and Ellev8 Coaching & Mentoring especially for midlife and/or expat women.
Who is it for?
Women first and foremost. Probably 45+. You may be in corporate or entrepreneurial, you may be an expat prevented from working in your own field. But one thing is for sure, you are open to something a bit different and you love spending time in the company of like-minded individuals and sharing those “oooh” and “aaaah” moments! You also like to grow and develop yourself and probably like to share your memories and stories with those you care about and your wider social circle online.
Unique & Exquisite Events came to life at the very beginning of 2017…
I was at a retreat in Napa Valley California and said
“I just want to create unique and exquisite events”
The room went quiet before erupting with laughter and a resounding
“That’s it, that’s so you!”
*** Over time it became “Unique and Exquisite Journeys with Karen Kennaby” (perfect!) ***
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