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“Thank you for being a guiding light”
Being at a complete crossroads both personally and professionally, I realised I needed a mentor to help me ‘figure out’ what I really want out of life. I’m always the one holding it together for others and thought it’s about time I asked for help for myself – not an easy thing to do. Four months later I’m moving forward in every aspect of my life, every day. Karen helped me to focus, de-clutter, face facts and really dig deep and figure out what I want, for myself. She’s an amazing woman who I occasionally described as ‘scary’ because she often knew me better than I knew myself! Thank you for being a guiding light.
Sughra Khaliq, Qatar
“Words can’t express how grateful I feel”
Dear Karen,
Words can’t express how grateful I feel.
I have been coaching for 13 years, so I had the honor to meet some great life coaches and therapists in my life. But you are absolutely unique, pure magic. In 45 minutes you managed to give me all the answers I needed. I want to thank you so much for the help and advice you have shared with me with such an open heart. I am now experiencing not only a new freedom, but more bliss in my life. It was just really great to have some validation!
Evry Iliaki, BA, MA, PGCE, Diploma in Life Coaching – Greece/Qatar
“Thank you Karen for teaching me to love myself more than I ever thought possible”
I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. I really can’t put into words my gratitude for all that you have done for me these past 5 months. You have taught me to love myself, not how I think I should be or how someone else thinks I should be but exactly the way I am. This was not an easy task…. but you did it. Although the speed of my life and the mountain of my commitments only seems to increase and grow, with your tools I am able to handle it with more grace and patience than I ever thought possible. You have become a symbol of comfort and centering for me. When I see your Daily Kiss or receive an e-mail it just makes me smile and reminds me that everything will be ok. When I see your name it reminds me of all that I have become and all that I am yet to be and that my potential is truly limitless. I realize my journey is different than everyone else’s but I am okay with that. Rome was not built in a day and neither am I. I have faith that I will finish strong and never go back! I have come too far, wanted this for to long and feel to amazing to fail. I had no idea what this journey would entail when we started and that was a new for me. Thank you Karen for teaching me to love myself more than I ever thought possible. A gift I can never repay you for.
Love Always,
Allison Flanigan, USA
Hi Karen…quick email at the end of my 6 weeks working with you to say a huge thank you for what you have helped me achieve. It sounds very corny but you really have changed my life. Apart from losing about a stone and looking better, I feel so much better. I feel more confident, more assertive and a great deal happier. From our 1st conversation I found you easy to talk to and so encouraging. It was also fun which I can’t quite believe I am saying… you have given me the confidence to continue on this path.
Jane Young, UK
“a great thought partner who has supported me making the transformation from rock bottom to being a significantly different person”
Why I approached you Karen. Put simply.. I’d hit rock bottom. Emotionally and physically I was a mess and could not see the wood from the trees. I was working with a woman in Canada who was doing regular healings on me mostly to help me with the chronic fatigue I was battling with and associated previous emotional traumas. I was dealing with some pretty significant issues and she had suggested that I also look for someone locally to support me. I’d met you at the walk, we’d talked a little about what you did and the coaching you did, and I decided that is what I needed as a local support.
How I’ve found it and what I got from it. Your coaching has been great for focussing my mind on some positive steps that I could take to shift from feeling hopeless to seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Through a series of synchronistic events, I really understood what my purpose was and your coaching helped me to start taking steps to build clarity around this and work through doubts and fears on a regular basis as they arose in defining how I could live my purpose. I think the biggest thing I got from the coaching is a way to access at a deeper level what was going on for me. The biggest influencing piece for me has been the writing and exploring words that come up frequently in my speaking through the writing. The weekly coaching sessions brought clarity and inspiration to what was sometimes going down a rabbit hole, so this really worked for me.
Recommendation – absolutely! I am a coach and the benefits of having an impartial thought partner are clear to me from both sides of the coin – and you’ve been a great thought partner who has supported me making the transformation from rock bottom to being a significantly different person with a focussed view going forward.
Sandy Schreiber, Qatar
“She helped me to discover the deeper foundation of who I am – the perspective from which everything just seems lighter and easier, and everything is possible!”
‘Until relatively recently, I had limited understanding of the process of mentoring / coaching.
In the past, I had experience of counselling and other forms of therapy and had undergone a lot of personal ‘soul-searching’. I also tried to find answers through reading self-help books and using other resources on phycology and spirituality – all of which were helpful and beneficial to me in different ways.
At the time I began working with Karen, I felt that my mind had been filled with all kinds of helpful information, ideas and insights, but I was lacking the courage and focus to incorporate them into my life in a useful and beneficial way.
I feel that Karen truly helped me to ‘come home’ – to move away from the conflicting picture of my beliefs and ideas- from living my life as an artificial sum of my emotional problems, life dilemmas, financial worries, etc., etc. – to being me, just me – the ‘whole’ human-being dealing with whatever life brings day-to-day…
She helped me to discover the deeper foundation of who I am – the perspective from which everything just seems lighter and easier, and everything is possible!
I feel that I have a deep connection with Karen, and I am not just a receiver of a useful service. Karen is truly professional, experienced and knowledgeable about the useful techniques and other helpful resources, but, very importantly, I feel that her support to me comes from the person who is real and true, who is not afraid to be open and vulnerable, and who derives her wisdom and insights from her own, very human, life journey, rather than just text books and remote theories.
I find Karen’s approach to be so ‘true-to-life’, which is very important to me at this stage of my life. What it means to me is being aware and open to whatever events, changes and challenges our lives present us with in an accepting and wise way and potentially transforming these experiences into beneficial and positive outcomes for ourselves and people around us…
Our lives, our thoughts, feelings and priorities are fluid and ever-changing… I feel that my work with Karen mirrors this so helpfully and so perfectly. The way she supports me is non-judging, sensitive and flexible – I feel I can bring up any issue that is on my mind at any time. She also has a unique gift of gently keeping me focused – sometimes with her words, sometimes – with just giving me space (and courage) to be myself and come up with the answers of my own…
The 6 months of working with Karen had been enormously beneficial to me.
Karen helped me realise that our aspirations is not something that is ‘set in stone’, they can be big or small, specific or more elusive, but they all are within our reach… Thanks to Karen’s support, I feel, truly, on my way on this journey…’
Katya Hvass, Qatar
“She is helping me uplevel to places I have only dreamed about”
“Working with Karen Kennaby has been incredible. She has an amazing knack of enabling you to unpeel your own layers of stuff, to reveal to you your true self” This is so much more than helping you look and feel on the outside, how you would like to feel. She is helping me uplevel to places I have only dreamed about. I am not just loosing lbs but the layers of baggage that go with it. A unique individual and an individual process that is tailored to you.
Tracey Wilson-Kissoon, UK
Karen is an extremely inspirational lady. Not only caring, non judgemental and honest but extremely knowledgable. In the brief time I’ve known Karen I have been suitably impressed, I would have no hesitation recommending her to friends and family or even my client base.
You just have to look at Karen to feel inspired, this lady has an infectious personality and thinking about her makes me feel more positive.
Get in touch, you wont regret it!
Kayleigh Ansell-Shaw – Assoc CIPD
Director – Talent Solutions
Karen is a dynamic and passionate woman with an amazing awareness who literally creates magic in everything she does and in the lives of those around her. In her work with individuals and groups she has a wonderful ability to spot where you can instantaneously transform the way you are thinking and behaving, to challenge your belief systems and to get right to the heart of the matter, so you come away smiling from your head to your toes.
A beautiful shining soul she radiates more love and joy for life than anyone I know, and her life reflects all that she teaches. This girl walks her talk magnificently, and any opportunity to spend time with her should be grabbed.
Susie Heath, Berkhamsted England, author of …
“The Essence of Womanhood – re-awakening the authentic feminine”
“she also helped provide me with a framework for dealing with situations as they arise and not only in the workplace, but in my personal life too”
I had just secured a new job following redundancy. The job was at a higher level than I had done before, and I felt reasonably confident that I could do it, I had a certain amount of apprehension. Although I had signed a contract, the job was not due to start for several weeks and I therefore felt that this was an opportune time to undertake some life coaching.
Karen’s response gave me so much confidence that I did not hesitate in signing up for an initial one month’s session with her. What I also like was her flexible approach; not only to scheduling of sessions, but also how the coaching was conducted. I prefer ‘one-to-one’ sessions, which she was quite happy to do, but she is also happy to use the phone or Skype; which was extremely helpful when we were in different countries. I even had sessions with her whilst on holiday!
Karen’s knowledge is immense, even when confronted with a random question; she always has an instant and meaningful response. She has a seemingly unlimited range of skills; I originally wanted Karen to help build my confidence that I had lost along with my sense of direction; and even after the very first session, I was back on track. I was self-assured and had ambitions again!! Karen explains solutions in a simple, easy to understand manner. I always know that the advice she gives is good because it always makes total sense.
Karen’s coaching thoroughly prepared me for my new job; I was eager to start and look forward to working again. However, she also helped provide me with a framework for dealing with situations as they arise and not only in the workplace, but in my personal life too. She is not only my coach; she is now my confidante too. I would have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone no matter what the situation.
Kate Bygrave, Qatar/Dubai
“a huge release of tension and so many revelations that even surprised me”
Being quite a guarded person I was unsure how much I would get out of our sessions because I don’t like being vulnerable in front of people. However Karen has a way of making you feel so free and comfortable that you have no problem sharing anything.
The sessions allowed me to express myself in a ways that I didn’t think I was capable of and with that came a huge release of tension and so many revelations that even surprised me. I would recommend Karen to anyone. Looking forward to more.
N.A. – Community Marketer, UK
For quite some time, I had been feeling I needed to achieve more in my career and move closer to what I really wanted to do. However, I didn’t quite know how to begin the journey. I knew I need a life/business coach but couldn’t afford to hire one. I met Karen last year and when I saw she had a special offer for coaching, I jumped at it. I’m glad I did
Working with Karen helped me clarify my goals, break them down and take them step by step. I began to ‘see’ clearer and seize opportunities that had been around me all the while. I also unearthed and dealt with some underlying concerns and was able to start off my business.
I’m glad I signed up with Karen and was able to move forward in the three-month period I was with her. She’s firm but not overbearing. I would recommend Karen as a coach and I would be happy to work with her in the future.
Thanks Karen.
Sola Oluwole, Qatar/Canada
“adventuring with Karen Kennaby is like jumping into a beautiful story”
“I love the kind of travel experience that takes you on a magic carpet ride rather than down a humdrum path. Lots of companies promise something different, but usually, what you get, is a slightly less well-known location and nothing more. But – adventuring with Karen Kennaby is like jumping into a beautiful story, where – with each turn of the page another exquisite and amazing experience is revealed and you are the one that actually gets to live it, taste it, feel it, fly over it, absorb it, play with it, laugh, dance, or simply sit with it.
Karen has poured her heart, skill and knowledge into crafting unique experiences that are born from her deep love of the world and the endless possibilities that exist. Join her and be one of the few that actually turn storybook fantasies into reality. Holidays will never be the same…”
Debs de Vries, The Menopause Mentor
Debs came on the Valley of the Roses Trip of a Lifetime
“Karen is a very spiritual and connected woman. She creates a loving space for people to experience their own spiritual connection, and let the insights drop in to move them forward in their own lives.
When Karen and I spend time together, there is a magical energy present which helps me understand with crystal clear clarity, what I need to do next.”
“Karen is the most inspiring and loving person I know. She is so positive and sees the possibilities for me when I can’t see them myself. She has encouraged me to always speak in the positive, finding solutions to difficult problems in life. She encourages me to not ignore the difficulties but lovingly supports me to find positive solutions. She is a fun energetic woman that inspires me and leads me when I lose my way. Life presents opportunities for growth and Karen can see the solutions that are conceived out of a loving caring place. She has added an element of fun to my life and I smile when I think of her.”
Barbara Hochstetler Fentress, Denver Colorado
A Few Comments from Recent Group Programme participants
- “If you are on a precipice in your life, personal or business then I would recommend this course. It magically opens doors, kickstarts the way you work with the universe and brings life back into focus and Karen is the perfect host for this kind of magic.”
- “Karen made time for each of us on the zoom call and was in tune with how we were feeling. She often sought out links and references for the group and for us individually to facilitate our journey. Karen put herself out when the group needed more time and was entirely approachable on a 1:1 level if needed.”
- “Karen is wonderfully supportive and encouraging. She is always effective in coaxing a response and she really enables all group members to contribute and participate.”
- “Do it! You won’t regret it! Karen was a perfect group leader and I was lucky to join the group! Thank you”
- “Karen is a patient facilitator with good years of experience and a gentle manner that is very powerful and this leads to much insight.”
- Karen’s emotional intelligence in guiding and leading us as a group was both supportive and highly intuitive. A very positive and safe group atmosphere held by Karen’s fair and balanced approach.”“
- “Do it! You won’t regret it and Karen is a tremendous group leader who provides support and key insights”
- “Karen was fantastic. Utterly professional at all times but always warm and sincere. She managed the mixed characters of the group brilliantly ensuring everyone had a chance to speak and engage.”
- “Karen is wonderfully inclusive, she works to encourage a response from the most reclusive!”
- “Do it! You will learn about yourself and enjoy taking time out for yourself. It is a safe space to express yourself and other people’s stories may resonate with your own. Karen is an enlightened facilitator. You will be in safe hands”
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